Hello and thank you for stopping by. Body Connection has a lot to offer, all in one place, so take your time to see what I can do to assist you in your search for a healthy life. We specialize in neuromuscular massage. Body Connection takes a look at the whole body and how everything needs to work together to reach our optimum health goals.
Neuromuscular massage
What is neuromuscular therapy massage?
Neuromuscular therapy is a form of soft tissue manipulation that aims to treat underlying causes of chronic pain involving the muscular and nervous systems. This medically-oriented form of massage addresses trigger points (tender muscles points), circulation, nerve compression, postural issues, and biomechanical problems that can be caused by repetitive movement injuries. Read more in depth here.

A person can come in for just relaxation massage, just to relieve the daily grind and stress, but when you start having more signs and symptoms, and body aches, it’s time to step it up a notch and that’s where neuromuscular therapy comes into play. Neuromuscular therapy is not deep massage it’s working the nerves and the muscles, because they need to work together to have the body function as it should. For more information on neuromuscular therapy click here.
sugar program
And how many people suffer with sugar problems. Sugar problems come in all shapes and sizes and forms. Some people will say my blood sugar is high, some people fight anxiety or depression, some people say they like to lose some weight. You even have some people that struggle with day to day life because they have no energy. Do any of these things sound like you? Well Body Connection can help you with that. We have a very successful sugar program that’s geared to just you, not the Band-Aid approach where everybody gets the same thing,. We find out what you want as a final goal and also what we need to do to get you there. We meet over several sessions to help you over the humps and bumps and keep you on the straight and narrow. It’s a program that I have done myself and had awesome results to learn more about the sugar program click here.
How many times do you hear people that have digestive problems, headaches, I can’t eat certain foods, I have acid reflux. Everything from a to Z for problems in today’s world comes from stress. How many times do they go and seek out care and most time just get that Band-Aid approach. What is the Band-Aid approach, it is just chasing the signs and symptoms, here at Body Connection we don’t chase the signs and symptoms we find out the cause and address that. And with addressing the cause we help repair the body in natural ways and also with the help of enzymes to find out more about enzymes click here.
The body works as a whole so we have to look at it as a whole: balance the body, don’t chase the symptoms.
What a lot of people do not understand is that the majority of the stress starts in your feet. Every step you take sends reactions all the way up through the body and ends at the top of the head. When your feet hurt all the time and we don’t walk on them properly we can have anything from hip pain, to back pain, to neck pain. One of the best ways to help this is with orthotics, and not just any old number you grab off-the-shelf. Get custom made orthotics that are designed specifically for your feet. Remember no two feet are the same so why should you grab the same orthotics that someone else grabs from the shelf. Have custom made orthotics for your feet, learn more click here.

So as you can see there is a lot that a person can do for themselves from many different directions. We can repair our bodies from the inside out, relax some with massage on the outside, find the root cause and work towards a better and healthy life.
Good health, Naturally.
about donna
As a Madison School of Massage Therapy alum, Donna is a trained Neuromuscular Specialist. She trained under Paul St. John, Neuromuscular founder of Neuromuscular Therapy.